Join us in charming out of season Weymouth to discover its rich historical heritage and learn about the buildings which you have never noticed in the past, together with their hidden histories.We will be guided on a walking tour of two hours or so by erudite members of Weymouth Civic Society, starting at the Nothe Fort, in Melcombe Regis (Car parking is available at the Nothe Headland).

From the Fort we will proceed to Hope Square, where you will hear about the Red Barracks, Pilgrim House and the Devenish Brewery before arriving at the Tudor House, where we will visit the ground floor.After passing by the Assembly Rooms, which have recently been in the news, we will cross the Town Bridge into Weymouth and learn about the history of the two Boroughs, including an account of Weymouth’s role in the Black Death Epidemic.

In St Mary’s Church we will view the Resurrection painted by the Dorset painter and M.P., Sir James Thornhill.
Finally, we will appreciate the Esplanade and its stunning vista of Georgian dwellings on both sides of Clarence Lodge, where George III resided whilst on his vacations and which turned the town into one of our first seaside resorts.

The walk will finish nearby at the statue of Sir Henry Edwards the philanthropist.The route is set out on the map.You will be asked to make a contribution to paying the cost of upkeep of the Tudor House whilst visiting it.

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