Title: Looking After An Historic Building by Daniel Cantell and Anthony Williams, both Directors of Crickmay Stark Architects
The talk will cover a range of issues faced by owners of historic buildings and solutions available to deal with them. It will include a number of local case studies to illustrate the problems and strategies used to deal with them. The talk will be followed by a Q&A session.
Daniel Cantrell BA(Hons) PgDip Arch RIBA CA
Daniel joined the Practice in 2006 and became a Director in 2007. He was elected to the RIBA in 2006 and to the RIBA Conservation Register in 2011, and is approved by Salisbury and Bath & Wells Dioceses for inspecting churches. Prior to joining the firm Daniel gained experience in private practice in Bristol, London and Bath, followed by 3 years at Dorset County Council.
Daniel enjoys spending time outdoors, particularly on the water kayaking, sailing, or surfing. He is also involved in Scouting, plays guitar (badly!) and has recently taken up Aikido.
Anthony Williams MCIAT
Anthony joined the then John Stark & Partners in 1989 as an apprentice, under the tutorship of Ron Jones and later Anthony Jaggard and Michael Howarth. He became a Director in 2017.
Anthony was elected to the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists in 2004. Outside of work Anthony enjoys time with family and friends, good vegetarian restaurants, music and live concerts, walking or hiking in the glorious Dorset countryside and holds great ambitions to return to cycling and running … but other interests keep winning!
A link to the recording can be found here on our Youtube channel
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